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18.2.0 | 18.2.1 | 18.2.2

Henrique M.

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A Football Manager 2018 update (v18.2.0) is now available to download.

To get the update simply quit and restart Steam and your game should update to version 18.2.0. This update is fully save game compatible.

Updates include but are not limited to the following:

- Fixed crash during match
- Fixed crash during processing
- Fixed crash entering match with large number of hotseat managers in save
- Fixed crash during Fantasy Draft setup
- Fixed crash on exiting game
- Fixed crashes when using edited data

- Optimised processing speed during scouting assignments
- Optimised match performance when running high number of leagues
- Optimised performance and stability of match controller

- Improved highlight selection for red cards and penalties
- Improved player ratings balance in background leagues
- Fixed 3D cut scenes appearing when playing in 2D or commentary only
- Fixed instances of crowd kits being carried over between matches
- Fixed issue where user could not take off an injured player and go down to 10 men when they have used all 3 subs
- Fixed user being unable to make Half-Time Team Talk
- Improved the functionality for the user to use their 4th sub in the FA Cup and Carabao Cup in extra time
- Improved substitution decisions by AI Managers
- Improved balance of crosses going too close to the goalkeeper
- Improved free kicks
- Fixed player clearing ball at kick off
- Improved on ball decisions
- Fixed issues with keeper saving ball at near post
- Fixed player slide tackling nobody
- Fixed keeper standing in the wrong place after taking a penalty in the ABBA format penalty shootout
- Improved keeper position when backpass option needed by ball player
- Fixed bug where keeper may go for unattainable ball that his team mate is already favourite for
- Fixed bug where keeper may try to pick up ball while in his own goalmouth causing it to be carried over line
- Fixed some instances of players trying to control or tackle ball that is far from their feet
- Fixed penalty taker change not being applied
- Fixed instances of the assist player being wrongly set
- Fixed instances of players being considered to have an injury when they didn't
- Improved marking of ball player
- Fixed keeper coming for ball and not using feet when easier than a save
- Fixed keeper making unrealistic and impossible effort to save again when he himself just made a save
- Various animation fixes

- Added ability to undertake multiple actions on scout reports
- Balanced time taken to gain knowledge of players during scouting assignments
- Balanced progression of scouting assignments via scouting queue
- Balanced amount players will complain about first team football
- Fixed instances of clubs not having league expectations set
- Fixed rare issue where users would be sacked for failing an unachievable promise made via a board request
- Fixed rare issue where a player would not enter contract talks despite being happy to do so according to their agent
- Fixed deadline day not appearing for winter window in Greece
- Fixed missing transfer window closing news items in March for Vanarama leagues
- Fixed manager being asked who will win the title when it has already been decided
- Fixed journalist not recognising that a match went to penalties
- Fixed record transfer narrative incorrectly triggering when record breaks from empty/missing data
- Fixed national squad selection changing randomly after submission
- Various award fixes and improvements
- Fixed Turkish clubs paying excessive rent
- Fixed problems with forced stadium expansions reducing capacity

- Combined List and Pitch view on in-match tactics in resolutions of 1600 and wider
- Added Opposition Instructions to in-match quick tactics bar
- Added attributes pop-up to player names on between highlights panel
- Match widget headers now clickable links to provide quicker access to full panels
- Added player stats to post-match review screen in wide enough resolutions
- Added tickboxes for ‘Add to Shortlist’ and ‘Add as Transfer Target’ to Scouting Centre so user can do these alongside other actions
- Fixed view being forgotten on player search screen upon exiting the game
- Fixed column size increasing on a custom view when you expand/reduce the tactics pitch
- Fixed custom view column sizes changing when continuing
- Fixed rare issue where match widgets would disappear but remain selected
- Fixed issue where tactics analysis would stop recognising a player with personalised instructions
- Fixed issue where text would overlap on happiness section of Player Information panel
- Fixed being unable to change formation via quick tactics bar in match
- Fixed match widgets not becoming transparent when the action is occurring behind them
- Fixed issue where player suitability circles would remain black if changes made when tactics pitch was hidden
- Fixed missing stats for youth and reserve competitions

– Fixed Spanish first team squad registrations making some players unnecessarily ineligible for the B team
– Fixed Spanish B team players being marked as unavailable despite being eligible to play
– Fixed default nation advanced rules errors for Austria & Portugal
– Fixed Slovenian Second League team would not get promoted if they won the promotion playoff
- Fixed scenario that would cause the U20 leagues in Italy to stop being scheduled
- Improved AI club registration in Brazil (new games only)
- Amended registration rules for some Brexit scenarios


  • Perissé fixou este tópico
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Muitas bolas na trave aqui... MUITAS, todo jogo.

  Em 07/01/2018 em 01:29, Breno Rocha disse:

Muitas bolas na trave aqui... MUITAS, todo jogo.


Realmente, aqui no meu save todo jogo tem umas 5 ou mais bolas na trave....foda isso, até desanimo!

Outra coisa que está acontecendo tb são os travamentos. Do nada o jogo trava e só consigo finaliza-lo com ctrl+alt+del. Tem alguém mais passando por estes perrengues??

  Em 07/01/2018 em 23:37, kd4ver disse:

Realmente, aqui no meu save todo jogo tem umas 5 ou mais bolas na trave....foda isso, até desanimo!

Outra coisa que está acontecendo tb são os travamentos. Do nada o jogo trava e só consigo finaliza-lo com ctrl+alt+del. Tem alguém mais passando por estes perrengues??


Sim, eu passo por todos eles!

Dessa vez parece que nem o ctrl+alt+del está resolvendo, pois ele sempre fica como "Não respondendo" num determinado período do jogo... na data 22 de setembro de 2018



As some of you may already have noticed, we've just released hotfix 18.2.2 for Football Manager 2018. 

This hotfix is save game compatible and we recommend if FM is open, saving your game then exiting screen to prompt the update. Otherwise it should just update the next time you launch Steam.

Changelist includes the fixes shown below. As always if you encounter any issues please do take the time to raise them on our Bugs Forum



Fixed crash during team talk
Fixed crash when managing two teams on the same day with same manager
Fixed crash during processing
Fixed crash when setting multiple short-term scouting assignments
Fixed crash with edited data


Fixed tactics screen showing player duplicated in lineup and on bench after substitution
Fixed ad hoardings displaying in black
Improvements to performance of 3D match on some NVIDIA GPUs




  • Henrique M. desfixou este tópico
  • 4 semanas atrás...

Quando vai sair um novo patch?

  Em 13/02/2018 em 16:30, dujapinha disse:

Quando vai sair um novo patch?


Costuma sair entre final do mês e começo de março. Os últimos dois anos foi nos primeiros 10 dias de março. Nos dois anteriores, se não me engano, foi final de fevereiro.

  Em 13/02/2018 em 16:45, Danut disse:

Costuma sair entre final do mês e começo de março. Os últimos dois anos foi nos primeiros 10 dias de março. Nos dois anteriores, se não me engano, foi final de fevereiro.


Isso mesmo. Quando fechar a janela na China.


Fecha dia 28 a da primeira e segunda divisão... provavelmente o patch deve sair uns dois, tres dias depois.


Este tópico foi arquivado e está fechado para novas respostas.

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